About Our Ministry

In 1965 the Board of Missions of the Evangelical United Brethren Church (EUB), with “seed money” from the EUB Women’s Division, launched a local ministry in Philippi, West Virginia, to help address the needs of those facing hunger and uncertainty due to unemployment. The name of the ministry was derived from an acrostic meaning: Helping Earnest Appalachians Reach Toward A New Day of Hope, Aspiration, Nurture, and Dignity, and since the facility operated from a house, the official name became Heart and Hand House.

Over the years many programs have been initiated to respond to identifiable needs in the area. Food, clothing, and utility assistance are the most relied upon, while the Community Garden Market, Christmas Baskets, and home repairs are important seasonal programs. New programs still emerge to address current community issues. These programs are funded by support from churches, foundations, civic groups, individuals, and through income from our thrift stores.

The ministry that was started as an experiment so many years ago is still making a significant difference in many lives.

Board of Directors
Heart and Hand is run by an ecumenical local governing board, composed of representatives from area churches, social agencies, businesses, and civic groups, as well as clergy and recipients of our services.

Ministry Review & Evaluation
As an affiliated mission of the West Virginia United Methodist Annual Conference, our ministry is reviewed and evaluated every four years by the General Board of Global Ministries - Division of Mission.

Non-Discrimination Policy
Heart and Hand House, Inc., operates in a manner which does not involve segregation or discrimination on the basis of race, age, sex, religion, national origin or handicap conditions.

IRS Form 990
Our most recent IRS Form 990 submission may be viewed here: 2020 Form 990.