Directions to Heart and Hand House Office, Philippi Thrift Store & Garden Market

From Morgantown, Points East and Interstate 68 (45 miles): Take Exit 1 off 1-68 to Rt. 119 South. Stay on Rt. 119 to Philippi. One block after traffic light, turn left through Covered Bridge (Rt 250). Stay on Rt 250 (also Main Street) and pass courthouse. Go one block, turn left at Mason Street. Heart and Hand main office is on corner of Mason Street and Walnut Street.

For Philippi Thrift Store, follow directions above to courthouse.  After passing courthouse, turn left at next side street (approximately 1/2 block past courthouse, between Court Street and Mason Street).  Thrift Store is located on the left in a long, brick building.

For The Market Place/Community Garden Market, follow directions above to courthouse.  Continue on Main Street for approximately 2 1/2 blocks.  The Market Place is located on the left just past the Philippi Public Library.

From Interstate 79 (20 miles):  Take Exit 115 off 1-79, turn onto Rt. 20 South. At the intersection of Rts. 20 and 57, bear left and stay on Rt. 57. At the stop sign at the top of hill, turn left onto Rt. 119. Turn right at Covered Bridge (Rt. 250). Stay on Rt 250 (also Main Street) and pass courthouse. Go one block, turn left at Mason Street. Heart and Hand main office is on corner of Mason Street and Walnut Street.

For Philippi Thrift Store, follow directions above to courthouse.  After passing courthouse, turn left at next side street (approximately 1/2 block past courthouse, between Court Street and Mason Street).  Thrift Store is located on the left in a long, brick building.

For The Market Place/Community Garden Market, follow directions above to courthouse.  Continue on Main Street for approximately 2 1/2 blocks.  The Market Place is located on the left just past the Philippi Public Library.

From Elkins and Route 33 (from light 15 miles):  Take Rts. 33 and 250 North. At traffic light turn onto Rt. 250 North through towns of Junior and Belington. Continue into Philippi and in the downtown area. Turn right at Mason Street (City Library is on corner). Heart and Hand main office is on corner of Mason Street and Walnut Street.

For Philippi Thrift Store, follow directions above to downtown area.  Travel approximately 1/2 block past City Library and Mason Street and turn right at next side street.  Thrift Store is located on the left in a long, brick building.

For The Market Place/Community Garden Market, follow directions above to Philippi. The Market Place is on the right just before the Philippi Public Library.